Business & Society

Strategy for impact and performance across sectors


Zach is a consultant for McKinsey & Company, based out of the Washington, D.C. Office. Before joining McKinsey, Zach was a Research Fellow and taught Executive Education at the top European business school HEC Paris in the Center for Society & Organizations.  Zach earned a Ph.D. at Stanford University in Management Science & Engineering and an M.B.A. from Brigham Young University. Before business school, Zach led an ecommerce company for 5 years, where he built a self-sustaining company from the ground up through leveraging strategic purchasing, online marketing, and operational innovation. He graduated with degrees in Economics & Asian Studies from the University of Michigan, and served a 2-year volunteer mission in greater Tokyo, Japan with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Zach has presented research at dozens of conferences, universities, and organizational settings.  His research has been published in top outlets such as the Stanford Social Innovation Review and Strategic Management Journal.

In his free time, Zach enjoys activities such as traveling, basking in nature, museuming, or reading with his family.

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Publications & Projects


Rodgers, Z. J. (2016)  Looking Good by Doing Good

Rodgers, Z. J. (2016)  Looking Good by Doing Good Is corporate philanthropy expensive? We found that in fact it can be highly profitable for firms if it is covered by the press. And in this study, we identified donation characteristics that increase the likelihood of press coverage.

Stanford Social Innovation Review digital article, April 2016.

Weitzel, P. & Rodgers, Z. J. (2015) Broad Shareholder Value and the Inevitable Role of Conscience.

Weitzel, P. & Rodgers, Z. J. (2015) Broad Shareholder Value and the Inevitable Role of Conscience. Do corporations have a legal obligation to maximize profits at all costs? Simply put: No. And this argument works even if the only purpose of the firm is to maximize value for shareholders.

[as mentioned in Bloomberg]

Madsen, P.M. & Rodgers, Z. J. (2015) Looking Good by Doing Good

Madsen, P.M. & Rodgers, Z. J. (2015) Looking Good by Doing Good The Antecedents and Consequences of Stakeholder Attention to Corporate Social Performance.

Miller, J.A., Z.J. Rodgers, & J.B. Bingham (2014) Moral Awareness.

Miller, J.A., Z.J. Rodgers, & J.B. Bingham (2014) Moral Awareness. In B.R. Agle, J.A. Thompson, & D.W. Hart (Eds.), Research Companion to Ethical Behavior in Organizations.  New York: Edward-Alger.

Whetten, D.A. & Rodgers, Z.J. (2013) Theory Development

Whetten, D.A. & Rodgers, Z.J. (2013) Theory Development Book chapter. Encyclopedia of Management Theory.

Whetten, D.A. & Rodgers, Z.J. (2012)

Whetten, D.A. & Rodgers, Z.J. (2012) Susan Albers Mohrman, Edward E. Lawler, III, and Associates: Useful Research: Advancing Theory and Practice.  Book Review. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(4): 700-703.


Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: A+B does not Equal B+A

Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: A+B does not Equal B+A Rodgers, Z.J. Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: A+B does not Equal B+A. (job market paper)

Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? An Analysis of the Theory-practice Nexus in Published Management Articles

Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? An Analysis of the Theory-practice Nexus in Published Management Articles Whetten, D.A., Rodgers, Z.J., Green, C.D., & Coles, R. Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? An Analysis of the Theory-practice Nexus in Published Management Articles. (preparing for submission to Academy of Management Discoveries)

Going Against the Grain but Rising to the top: Career Returns to Engaging Creative Behaviors at Work

Going Against the Grain but Rising to the top: Career Returns to Engaging Creative Behaviors at Work Baer*, M., Dyer*, J.H., & Rodgers*, Z.J. (*all authors contributed equally). Going Against the Grain but Rising to the top: Career Returns to Engaging Creative Behaviors at Work. (accepted for presentation at Academy of Management conference, 2016; under review at Academy of Management Journal)

Problem Solving Theory: Goal Misalignment as an Impediment to Effectively Setting Goals in Organizations

Problem Solving Theory: Goal Misalignment as an Impediment to Effectively Setting Goals in Organizations Killebrew, C., Howe, D., & Rodgers, Z.J. Problem Solving Theory: Goal Misalignment as an Impediment to Effectively Setting Goals in Organizations. (presented by co-author at Academy of Management conference, 2015; under review at Administrative Science Quarterly)

Poverty Alleviation and Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid: A Critique and Agenda for Research

Poverty Alleviation and Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid: A Critique and Agenda for Research Godfrey, P.C., Rodgers, Z. J., London, T., & Shulze, B. Poverty Alleviation and Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid: A Critique and Agenda for Research. (reject and resubmit at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal)

Leveraging a Boost from the Shoulders of Giants: What Base of the Pyramid Research can Learn from Poverty Studies in the Disciplines.

Leveraging a Boost from the Shoulders of Giants: What Base of the Pyramid Research can Learn from Poverty Studies in the Disciplines. Rodgers, Z.J., Godfrey, P.C., Santos, F., & Acquaah, M. Leveraging a Boost from the Shoulders of Giants: What Base of the Pyramid Research can Learn from Poverty Studies in the Disciplines. (accepted to present at Academy of Management conference, 2015; target: Academy of Management Annals)

Cui Bono? When do Organizations Obtain Favorable Legal Environments Despite Contradictory Stakeholder Interests?

Cui Bono? When do Organizations Obtain Favorable Legal Environments Despite Contradictory Stakeholder Interests? Rodgers, Z.J. Cui Bono? When do Organizations Obtain Favorable Legal Environments Despite Contradictory Stakeholder Interests? A Study of U.S. Merger & Acquisition Antitrust Regulation (presented at International Association for Business and Society annual conference; data analysis, drafting phase)

Rodgers, Z.J. & Hinds, P. Understanding Technology Appropriation in Intercultural Global Work

Understanding Technology Appropriation in Intercultural Global Work Rodgers, Z.J. & Hinds, P. Understanding Technology Appropriation in Intercultural Global Work. (2 years of qualitative field data collection complete; analysis phase) [mentioned in Harvard Business Review online]

Invited Talks & Conference Presentations

Cui Bono: When do Organizations Obtain Favorable Legal Environments Despite Contradictory Stakeholder Interests?

Cui Bono: When do Organizations Obtain Favorable Legal Environments Despite Contradictory Stakeholder Interests? Rodgers, Z.J. 2016. Cui Bono: When do Organizations Obtain Favorable Legal Environments Despite Contradictory Stakeholder Interests? A Study of U.S. Merger & Acquisition Antitrust Regulation. Presented at International Association of Business & Society, Park City, Utah.

Going Against the Grain but Rising to the top: Career Returns to Engaging Creative Behaviors at Work

Going Against the Grain but Rising to the top: Career Returns to Engaging Creative Behaviors at Work *Dyer, J.H., Rodgers, Z.J. (presenter), & Baer, M. (*all authors contributed equally) 2016. Going Against the Grain but Rising to the top: Career Returns to Engaging Creative Behaviors at Work. Poster at Organization Science Winter Conference.

Leveraging a Boost from the Shoulders of Giants: What Base of the Pyramid Research can Learn from Poverty Studies in the Disciplines

Leveraging a Boost from the Shoulders of Giants Rodgers, Z.J., Godfrey, P.C., Santos, F., & Acquaah, M. 2015. Leveraging a Boost from the Shoulders of Giants: What Base of the Pyramid Research can Learn from Poverty Studies in the Disciplines. Presented at SIM division, Academy of Management annual conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: When A+B does not Equal B+A.

Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: When A+B does not Equal B+A. Rodgers, Z.J. 2015. Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: When A+B does not Equal B+A. Presented at Stanford-Berkeley Organizational Behavior Conference, Haas School of Business, University of Berkeley.

Best of both Worlds or Master of none? Organizational Performance in an Environment with Multiple Demands

Best of both Worlds or Master of none? Organizational Performance in an Environment with Multiple Demands Rodgers, Z.J. 2014. Best of both Worlds or Master of none? Organizational Performance in an Environment with Multiple Demands. Presented at Networks & Organizations workshop, Stanford University.

Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions?

Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? Whetten, D.A., Rodgers, Z.J. (presenter), Green, C.D., & Coles, R. 2014. Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? An Analysis of the Theory-practice Nexus in Published Academy of Management Journal Articles. Presented at OMT division, Academy of Management annual conference, Philadelphia.

Good Form? Organizational Form, Social and Financial Performance. — NYU

Good Form? Organizational Form, Social and Financial Performance. Rodgers, Z. J. 2013. Good Form? Organizational Form, Social and Financial Performance. Presented at the NYU Stern 10th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, Stern School at New York University.

Benevolent Bankers? An Empirical Comparison of Nonprofit and For-profit Microfinance Organizations

Benevolent Bankers? An Empirical Comparison of Nonprofit and For-profit Microfinance Organizations Rodgers, Z. J. 2013. Benevolent Bankers? An Empirical Comparison of Nonprofit and For-profit Microfinance Organizations. Presented as part of a month-long workshop on improving the paper through the Penn Summer Social Impact Fellows, Social Policy and Practice School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Oughts and Ought Nots: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry for Asymmetrically Integration-Resistant Hybrid Combinations and the Consequences for Social and Financial Performance

Oughts and Ought Nots: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry for Asymmetrically Integration-Resistant Hybrid Combinations and the Consequences for Social and Financial Performance Rodgers, Z.J. 2016. Oughts and Ought Nots: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry for Asymmetrically Integration-Resistant Hybrid Combinations and the Consequences for Social and Financial Performance. Presented at Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, London Business School.

When A+B does not Equal B+A: Asymmetrical Organizational Combinations, Integration, and Performance

When A+B does not Equal B+A: Asymmetrical Organizational Combinations, Integration, and Performance Rodgers, Z.J. & Garff, P.F. 2015. When A+B does not Equal B+A: Asymmetrical Organizational Combinations, Integration, and Performance. Presented at OMT division, Academy of Management annual conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Cui bono? Congressional Oversight Hearings and their Effects on Firm, Social, and Competitive Outcomes

Cui bono? Congressional Oversight Hearings and their Effects on Firm, Social, and Competitive Outcomes Rodgers, Z.J. 2015. Cui bono? Congressional Oversight Hearings and their Effects on Firm, Social, and Competitive Outcomes. Also Hybrids as Non-commutative Social and Financial Combinations: When A+B does not Equal B+A. Presented at Organizational Leadership and Strategy faculty seminar series, Brigham Young University.

Best of both Worlds or Master of none? Nonprofit and For-profit Organizations Attempting both Social and Financial Performance

Best of both Worlds or Master of none? Nonprofit and For-profit Organizations Attempting both Social and Financial Performance Rodgers, Z.J. 2014. Best of both Worlds or Master of none? Nonprofit and For-profit Organizations Attempting both Social and Financial Performance. Presented at Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action annual conference, Denver.

Two-dimensional Performance and Moral High Ground’s Dark Side: Social and Financial Performance of Hybrid Forms

Two-dimensional Performance and Moral High Ground’s Dark Side: Social and Financial Performance of Hybrid Forms Rodgers, Z.J. 2014. Two-dimensional Performance and Moral High Ground’s Dark Side: Social and Financial Performance of Hybrid Forms. Presented at University of Utah Doctoral Research Management Roundtable.

Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions?

Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? Whetten, D.A., Rodgers, Z.J. (presenter), Green, C.D., & Coles, R. 2014. Applied or Disciplined: What Constitutes our Contributions? An Analysis of the Theory-practice Nexus in Published Academy of Management Journal Articles. Poster at Wharton Business School Mack Emerging Scholars Workshop.

Benevolent Bankers? An Empirical Comparison of Nonprofit and For-profit Microfinance Organizations

Benevolent Bankers? An Empirical Comparison of Nonprofit and For-profit Microfinance Organizations Rodgers, Z. J. 2013. Benevolent Bankers? An Empirical Comparison of Nonprofit and For-profit Microfinance Organizations. Presented at the Ascending Scholars Workshop, Brigham Young University.

Looking Good by Doing Good: The Antecedents of Media Coverage of Corporate Philanthropy

Looking Good by Doing Good: The Antecedents of Media Coverage of Corporate Philanthropy Madsen, P.M. & Rodgers, Z. J. (presenter) 2011. Looking Good by Doing Good: The Antecedents of Media Coverage of Corporate Philanthropy. Presented at SIM division, Academy of Management annual conference, San Antonio.

Education, Honors & Awards


Management Science & Engineering: Work, Technology, & Organization

Management Science & Engineering: Work, Technology, & Organization — Stanford, California — Expected 2017 Doctor of Philosophy – Focus on the relationship between organizational and societal outcomes

MS&E full fellowship; Research assistant, National Science Foundation grant

MS&E full fellowship; Research assistant, National Science Foundation grant — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MS&E full fellowship; Research assistant, National Science Foundation grant

Social Impact Doctoral Fellow at the School of Social Policy and Practice

Marriott School of Management

Marriott School of Management — Provo, Utah — April 2012 Masters of Business Administration: Organizational Behavior & Strategy

Hawes Scholar (highest honor in MBA program; selected for academic, leadership, and ethical accomplishment)

99th percentile GMAT

University of Michigan

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts — Anne Arbor, Michigan — December 2005 Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, after Community College transfer: dual major Economics & Asian Studies

Highest Honors; honors thesis: Letters & Memoirs of Thomas C. Dudley (advisor: Jonathan Zwicker)


Grant for practitioner-oriented write-up of finished research project

Grant for practitioner-oriented write-up of finished research project — 2016 Grant for practitioner-oriented write-up of finished research project by The Satell Institute Think Tank for Corporate Social Responsibility

Designing Organizational Change Project research fellowship

Designing Organizational Change Project research fellowship — 2016 Designing Organizational Change Project research fellowship; initiative affiliated with Stanford “D-school” Hasso Plattner Institute of Design / Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP)

Stanford Center for Work, Technology, & Organization research fellowship; research assistant for National Science Foundation grant

Research assistant for National Science Foundation grant — 2013-2015 Stanford Center for Work, Technology, & Organization research fellowship; research assistant for National Science Foundation grant – data collection in San Francisco and San Jose, California; Mexico City, Mexico; Tokyo and Osaka, Japan

Emerging Scholar at the Mack Institute for Innovation Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Emerging Scholar at the Mack Institute for Innovation Management — 2015 Emerging Scholar at the Mack Institute for Innovation Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Stanford Management Science & Engineering full fellowship

Stanford Management Science & Engineering full fellowship — 2012-2013 Stanford Management Science & Engineering full fellowship.

Hawes Scholar & scholarship

Hawes Scholar & scholarship — 2011 Hawes Scholar & scholarship

Lee S. Bickmore scholarship; Stephen Mack Covey scholarship

Lee S. Bickmore scholarship; Stephen Mack Covey scholarship — 2011 Lee S. Bickmore scholarship; Stephen Mack Covey scholarship

Outstanding OB/HR Graduate Scholar Award & scholarship

Outstanding OB/HR Graduate Scholar Award & scholarship — 2011 Outstanding OB/HR Graduate Scholar Award & scholarship

Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society (MBA)

Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society (MBA) — 2011 Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society (MBA)

Top 4% worldwide Business Strategy Game, all weekly categories

Top 4% worldwide Business Strategy Game, all weekly categories Top 4% worldwide Business Strategy Game, all weekly categories

Marriott School scholarship

Marriott School scholarship — 2010 Marriott School scholarship

Graduated with Distinction & Highest Honors (B.A.)

Graduated with Distinction & Highest Honors (B.A.) — 2005 Graduated with Distinction & Highest Honors (B.A.)

University of Michigan Honors Society; Golden Key Honors Society

University of Michigan Honors Society; Golden Key Honors Society — 2004 − 2005 University of Michigan Honors Society; Golden Key Honors Society

National Radio Institute

Computer Programming Diploma, Highest Honors — Pre-2005 National Radio Institute Computer Programming diploma, Highest Honors
Eagle Scout

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“He was excellent in every respect. At my request, Zach guest taught one of the lectures in the course. Zach was very effective at using the case method to engage students in the discussion, including some enthusiastic sharing from individuals who had not spoken up all quarter. I was also impressed with the way that he wove in his own experiences in business to make his points more vividly. He did a terrific job, and displayed the potential to be a world-class teacher.”

"The CSR lecture was very well done and extremely engaging."

"Great lecture on social responsibility!  It was so interesting and engaging, definitely one of my favorite classes."

"Zach has an incredible gift for teaching: his lessons are flush with novelty, insight, and rich student discussion. Of the hundreds of teachers I have had at Stanford and elsewhere, Zach is among a handful that have left me pondering on his lessons for weeks."

Organizations: Theory and Management - Stanford University, Management Science & Engineering Undergraduate

Course Assistant for Pamela Hinds; Guest Lecturer –

Global Strategy - Wharton Business School, San Francisco Executive MBA

Grading Assistant for Jeffrey H. Dyer –

Organizations: Theory and Management - Stanford University, Management Science & Engineering Undergraduate

Course Assistant for Pamela Hinds; Guest Lecturer –

Strategy - Wharton Business School, San Francisco Executive MBA

Grading Assistant for Jeffrey H. Dyer & David J. Bryce –

Strategy - Brigham Young University, Executive MBA

Grading Assistant for Jeffrey H. Dyer & David J. Bryce –

Explaining Organizational Behavior - Brigham Young University, research track MBA / MS / MA

Teaching Assistant for David A. Whetten; Guest Lecturer –

Creative Strategic Thinking - Brigham Young University, MBA

Teaching Assistant for Jeffrey H. Dyer –

Japanese Pedagogy Training University of Michigan

Certificate Recipient –

English as a Second Language (ESL) - Rudd Transition & Tutoring for client: Yazaki International

Individual professional tutor of Japanese expatriot engineers and managers –

Japan Tokyo South Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Volunteer instructor (religious & English as a Second Language ESL work, community service), alternating principal teaching administrator of local ESL programs –